
CGMC mission is anchored directly in the code of rules of the company: The cooperative is a uncloused community of persons, whose main mission is to support innovation and competitiveness among team members and the cluster through the implementation of technology and process innovation in engineering, systematic human resource development and the creation of interdisciplinary relations competent to engineering disciplines.

The main objective of the Cluster is to promote innovation and competitiveness through cluster projects of collective research and innovation of product, technology and process in industry engineering companies.

All activities Cluster  focused on meeting these priorities :

  1. promoting innovation and competitiveness through cluster projects of collective research and innovation of product, technology and process in industry engineering companies
  2. supporting systematic human resource development and training of skilled manpower for engineering fields
  3. the creation of interdisciplinary relations competent to engineering disciplines, especially those specialized areas: handling and transportation equipment, automation and robotics, engineering equipment for energetics
  4. enhancing the sharing and transfer of knowledges, skills and experiences by supporting interdisciplinary cooperation and the use of high-quality sophisticated software tools.